Xpath it and Locate it !

Form the title; you might get an idea about this post. Yes, it is all about how to locate a web element using xpath.

We can locate almost all the elements in the web page using Xpath. As there are a lot of stuffs out there for basic xpath construction, I am going to concentrate specific methods that helped me during my scripting.

Locating a WebElement with unique attribute value:

Let’s assume a scenario where your element has id/class/name with dynamic value. We can do this by the following xpath.

Example HTML :

<a href='iamhere'></a>

Xpath Syntax :

//a[@href= ‘iamhere’]

Consider, when the param also has a partially dynamic value, Now comes other problem. Still we have a breath.

i.e., for the HTML,

<a href='iamhere123456'></a>

Xpath can be built as


I would appreciate if you can suggest me some corrections/additions. Anyway, there are lot more to share, Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading.!

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